Microplot Boundaries Adjustment Task

This task allows to adjust the format of the microplot file to Aether's analytic requirements and to adjust the microplot boundaries positioning.



  • This task requires a specific Aether license. Please contact your Sales Representative for more information.
  • This task includes a quality check by Aether operators.

1. Inputs

  • Microplot vector file: made with Aether's Microplot Designer Tool or with external software.


  • Format: Shape File or Geojson
  • For Shape file format:
    • The following extensions are required: .dbf, .shp, .shx (.prj is optional).
    • The extensions have to be located in a compressed folder (.zip)
    • We recommend having the same CRS for the Shape File and project
  • The plot id must be unique
  • If the plot dimensions (width and/or length) have to be changed within this task (to evaluate only certain rows of the microplot for example), the final plot dimensions (final_width and final_length attributes) have to be indicated in the vector file attribute table
  • You can use the “Join attributes” tool to add this information (Join attributes to a vector file‍)
  • Vegetation index: NDVI (multispectral sensor) or VARI (RGB sensor) in raster format.
  • Field trial start: A point annotation made in Aether defining the field trial start

2. Outputs

The microplot boundaries adjustment tool will generate a Geojson file with the expected format and position with plot IDs as attributes. The new file is named “Microplots - adjusted”.

3. Workflow

Upload the microplot file in Aether


This step concerns the microplot vectors made with an external software

Step 1 - Open Data Studio and upload your Microplot file from UPLOAD FILES button on top bar:

Step 2 - Attach the file to the corresponding survey

Step 3 - Drag-and-drop or browse to your plot map file

Step 4 - Edit file Name if necessary, select the “Type: vector” and “Category: Microplots”. Then press UPLOAD:

Your microplot file will be stored and available under the Download section:

You can display the uploaded microplot vector in the map view as well: 

Ensure the vegetation index (NDVI or VARI) is available for your survey

  • For multispectral sensors, the vegetation index (NDVI) is provided with the photogrammetry process (Photogrammetry).‍ 
  • For the RGB sensor the vegetation index (VARI) has to be manually launched in Aether (Generic and Custom Scouting Maps‍)

Roughly adjust the position of the microplots using the edition tools


Please read the following article for more details on how to use the edition tools: Vector edition tool‍ 

Add the field trial start

Create a point annotation where the field trial starts:

  • Click on Point.
  • Add a point at the corner of the first plot of the trial.
  • Change the name of the annotation (Field trial start - “first plot name”) then click on Enter to validate.
  • You can change the icon (green flag for example)

Adding custom attributes to the microplot file (optional)

Please read this article for more information: Join attributes to a vector file‍ 


In particular, if the plot dimensions have to be changed, you can add the final plot dimensions information to the vector attribute table using the Custom attributes tool.

Launch Microplot boundaries adjustment task

Go to Analytics section from the left panel, search for “Microplot boundaries adjustment” and then click on LAUNCH:

Select the right input files:

  • Scouting map
  • Microplot vector to adjust

Once the process is complete, the Microplot file becomes viewable in the download and map view sections.

4. Display

From the layers panel on the left, select Microplots - adjusted layer from the "SURVEY DATA" section, inside the Contours group.

5. Export of the Microplot file

The microplot file can be exported to your computer if necessary.

  • Download the modified microplot file (i.e. including the modifications of position and orientation and including the properties if any):

From the layers panel, go to SURVEY DATA, Contours, and select the Microplots layer to open the info panel on the right. Click on the 3 dot menu on the top right and Download as GeoJSON:

  • Download of the original microplot file (i.e. the file that do not contain any modification): click on the folder button on the left bar, search the file, and click on the arrow to export it.

6. Next steps

Once the adjusted microplot file is generated and positioned on the field trial map, it can be used as input of the analytics.



  • The microplot file is attached to a given survey (mission) but can be selected as input of analytics from another survey. 
  • If the microplot file is selected as input in another survey, please make sure that the survey where the microplot has been generated and the survey where you launch the analytic are co-registrated (no overlap between the surveys).
  • If the surveys are not co-registrated, you can download the microplot file from the first survey (from the map view), upload it in the other survey and modify its position with the edition tools.

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