User Profile Edition

1. Description

This article will describe how to edit a user profile. 

  • On the top menu click on "Profile" to deploy the menu. There are 3 choices:
    • My profile
    • Change your password
    • Logout

2. My profile

  • Click on "My profile".

  • My profile page is displayed with:
    • "Properties & Preferences" (1)
    • "Notifications Settings"  (2)
    • "External Accounts" (3)

2.1 Properties & Preferences

This page summarizes all information about user properties and user preferences. This is the User's profile for Aether.

  • Click on "EDIT PROFILE" to display the "Edit user" page.

  • The following properties can be changed:
    • First name
    • Last name
    • Email

  • The following preferences can be changed:
    • Language
    • Date format

  • Click on "VIEW TERMS OF USE" to consult them.

  • Click on "SAVE CHANGES" to validate the choices.

  • A message will pop up stating the edits were saved successfully.

2.2 Notifications Settings

This page summarizes all notifications that the user could receive by email.

  • Click on "Notification Settings" to see which action in Aether could notify the user by email.

  • Click on "EDIT PROFILE" 

  • Add or remove notifications by ticking the corresponding boxes.

  • Click on "SAVE CHANGES" to validate the choices.

  • A message will pop up stating the edits were saved successfully.

  • To view the notifications updates, click Notification Settings.

2.3 External Accounts

  • This page summarizes external accounts linked to the user's Aether profile.

3. Change your password

  • Click on "Change your password".

  • Fill in the field with the correct information.

  • There are password rules to respect that appear until there are respected:
    • Password length should be between 9 and 15
    • Password should have at least one letter
    • Password should have at least one digit
    • Password should have at least one symbol

  • Hide or show the password with the "eye" button to show the password before validation.

  • When the new password is validated, the "SAVE CHANGES" button will turn blue, click on this button to save the new password.

  • A message will pop up stating the edits were saved successfully.

4. Logout

  • Click on "Logout".

  • The login page is displayed and the session is closed.

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