Custom Composition Map

1. Description

Aether can generate a variety of custom composition maps (RGB, CIR…) using hyperspectral data, where users can specify which bands to use.

2. Inputs

Reflectance map processed in Aether or from external software.

3. Workflow

Step 1 - Open a Project and the appropriate Survey. Go to the Analytics Catalog, open any section Agriculture, or use the search function for the analytic "Custom composition map" and click on "LAUNCH".

Step 2 - Select the available Reflectance Map and click "NEXT STEP".

Step 3 - Input each band and layer output name, and click on "LAUNCH CUSTOM COMPOSITION MAP".



Please use the band names associated with your camera, see Sensor Band Names‍. 

Step 4 - Click on "FINISH".

4. Progression & Completion status 

Check the status anytime from the analytic "LAUNCHED" tab.

A notification is sent to inform of the end of the treatment, see Notification Center.‍ 

5. Results

Open the "Layers" tab in the platform, open the "BASE LAYERS" menu, and a new layer for this custom composition map is added.

6. Deliverables

In the DOWNLOAD section, the custom composition map is available in tif file.

Click on the download icon and on "Download" to obtain the TIF file.

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