Local Coordinates

1. Description

Aether allows data storage and conversion in Local Coordinates systems for a unified visualization with data in known or global coordinate reference systems.

A Local Coordinate System is a geospatial reference system in which unique, localized position values are employed to minimize visual distortion and simplify measurement in a targeted region.

Please consult the CRS article if needed.


In Aether, Local Coordinates are based on a transformation, or project calibration, that is performed with the help of GCPs that are measured in both the global datum and the desired local coordinates values.

Consequently, the Ground Control Points being utilized must be measured with the desired local coordinates and also in WGS84 (long, lag) DATUM.


2. Workflow

Local coordinates can be specified during the project creation.

Step 1 - Click on "CREATE A PROJECT".

Step 2 - In the project properties, choose the global project CRS.

Step 3 - After choosing the global project CRS please click on "DEFINE LOCAL CRS".

There are three ways to define the Local CRS:

  • Single local-global coordinates file (CSV)
  • Separate local and global coordinates files (CSV)
  • JXL file


  • The global coordinates mentioned here in the file name do not correspond to the GLOBAL PROJECT CRS but rather to the WGS84 reference positions used for the transformation. WGS84 (EPSG:4326) is required for the transformation. Alternatively, the GLOBAL PROJECT CRS refers to the desired reference system you are using on the platform for any specific project.
  • DO NOT forget to choose the unit in which the local coordinate is written

Find below example files:

1.1 Single local-global coordinates CSV file

Allows the user to embed in one single CSV file, the positions for a given point on the earth in both the global system (WGS84) and the target local coordinate system.

This CSV file must respect the following rules:

  • No Header
  • Must contain at least 3 points.
  • The supported separator must be ",".
  • Global coordinates of the GCP must be in WGS84 (EPSG:4326).
  • Must have the following structure as shown in the example table below (The column must have the same order (first local coordinates followed by the WGS84 coordinates)).
GCP ID Easting or X axes (local units) Northing or Y axes (local units) Elevation (local units) Latitude (deg) Longitude (deg) Ellipsoid Height (m)
gcp 0 11728.371 9951.901 788.614 34.71285 -118.13166


gcp 1 11796.451 9864.197 790.885 34.71261 -118.13143  679.331512
gcp 2 11671.38 9793.678 787.715 34.71242 -118.13185


gcp 3 11570.888  9887.278 788.415 34.71267 -118.13218 


1.2 Separate local and global coordinates files (.csv)

  • No Header.
  • Must contain at least 3 points.
  • The supported separator must be ",".
  • Global coordinates of GCP locations must be in WGS84 (EPSG:4326).
  • Must have the following structure as shown in the example table below (The column must have the same order (first local coordinates followed by the WGS84 coordinates)): GCP Global CRS CSV.
GCP ID Longitude (deg) Latitude (deg) Ellipsoid Height (m)
gcp 0 -118.13166 34.71285 677.058928
gcp 1 -118.13143 34.71261 679.331512
gcp 2 -118.13185 34.71242 676.168511
gcp 3 -118.13218 34.71267 676.866717


GCP ID Easting or X axes (local units) Northing or Y axes (local units) Elevation (local units)
gcp 0 11728.371  9951.901 788.614
gcp 1 11796.451 9864.197 790.885
gcp 2 11671.38 9793.678 787.715
gcp 3 11570.888 9887.278 788.415

1.3 JXL file

Supported Projection:

Projection Supported by Trimble Supported by Aether
Mercator beta
Transverse Mercator
UTM beta
Lambert Conformal Conical beta
Oblique Mercator  
Oblique Conformal Cylindrical  
Oblique Stereographic  
Polar Stereographic  
RD Stereographic  
Albers Equal Area beta
Cassini Soldner beta
New Zealand Map Grid beta
United Kingdom National Grid  
Hungarian EOV  
Stereographic Double  
Rectified Skewed Orthomorphic (RSO  
UPS North beta
UPS South beta
Projection Grid  

Supported Datum Transformation:

Projection Supported by Trimble Supported by Aether
No Datum
Helmert Three Parameters beta
Helmert Seven Parameters beta
Grid Datum  
RTCM Grid  

Supported Geoid Model:

Trimble Name Proj4 filename Supported
EGM96 (Global) egm96_15.gtx
GEOID12A (Conus) g2012au0.gtx
GEOID12A (Alaska) g2012aa0.gtx
GEOID12A (American Samoa) g2012as0.gtx
GEOID12A (Guam) g2012ag0.gtx
GEOID12A (Hawaii) g2012ah0.gtx
GEOID12A (Puerto Rico) g2012ap0.gtx
GEOID12B (Conus) g2012bu0.gtx
GEOID12B (Alaska) g2012ba0.gtx
GEOID12B (American Samoa) g2012bs0.gtx
GEOID12B (Guam) g2012bg0.gtx
GEOID12B (Hawaii) g2012bh0.gtx
GEOID12B (Puerto Rico) g2012bp0.gtx
Atlantic Canada HT2 HT2_0.gtx

2. Update the local CRS of an already existing project

It is possible to define the local CRS of a project from the info panel.

To make the transformation possible, a global system must be defined previously.

With this method, Aether users can export older datasets into the local system as we now have the transformation with both systems.

3. Set the Local coordinates during Project Creation with images

Set the local coordinate during the image download of the project creation process.

As mentioned above, the global Project Coordinate Reference System must be also defined.

4. Data importation in local CRS

  • Vector: The user can upload a vector file with the local CRS.
  • Raster: For the moment a raster file can only be uploaded as a File in local CRS which means it will not be displayed on the map.
  • Point Cloud: Not supported yet in Local CRS.

5. Data exportation in local CRS

Datasets can be exported in a Local CRS. Please click here to learn about exporting data on Aether.

In the download section, during the export, click on "Switch to Local CRS".

  • Vector: The user can export in local CRS.
  • Raster: The user can export in local CRS.
  • Point Cloud: The user can export in local CRS using the analytics "Point Cloud geographic conversion".

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