Coordinate Reference Systems (CRS)

1. Description

The Coordinate Reference System (CRS) refers to which geospatial reference system is used to assign horizontal coordinates and vertical elevation values to visualized data.

A CRS establishes the relationship between the 2D information and the actual physical world location using the coordinates.

2. Set Project CRS

Setting the CRS used for a Project is the first step to take when creating a Project on Aether.

The Project CRS can be defined in a couple of ways:

3. Set image CRS

Set image CRS when uploading a survey (Upload Survey), or after the selected images have been uploaded.

  • If the picture has metadata, the input CRS will be filled automatically.
  • If not, after adding the geolocation coordinates file (generally in a CSV file format), choose the appropriate formatting source and the File CRS :

4. Photogrammetry CRS

Every time a user requests photogrammetry processing, Aether will always request the desired output CRS system.


The output of most of Alteia analytics is delivered with the CRS of the Photogrammetry except for a file that has a standard CRS (ex: GEOJSON, KML which are in standard WGS84).


5. Consult the Project CRS

The Project CRS is displayed on the Project Info Panel.


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