User Management

1. Description

The Alteia software features a role-based access control system, enabling the customization of specific roles with distinct privileges for accessing designated projects and executing predefined actions. This framework ensures the enforcement of security measures and maintains the integrity of the data.

Platform access is limited and governed by the assigned user roles. Users are categorized into four roles: Manager, User, Contributor, and Operator. Each role comes with a set of defined permissions.

Delving into the specifics, the Manager role is characterized by its elevated permissions. Managers possess the capability to invite and oversee users, manage data, projects, and surveys, initiate processes, and request analytics services

Users, in their designated role, can observe projects within their allocated domain, upload files and surveys to these projects, manage project-related data, initiate processes, and request analytics services.

Contributors, falling into their designated role, have access to projects within their allocated domain. They can contribute by utilizing annotation tools and accessing project-specific data.

Operators role is specifically designed for data collection operations. Operators are limited to uploading data solely to projects to which they have been granted access.

2. Benefits

User management functionality is a crucial feature in software that offers a multitude of benefits for both administrators and users. For administrators, it provides the tools needed to maintain control and security over the system. They can easily add, modify, or remove user accounts, assign specific roles and permissions, and monitor user activity, ensuring data integrity and compliance with security protocols. This feature also streamlines onboarding and offboarding processes, saving time and reducing the risk of errors. For users, user management functionality enhances the overall experience by allowing them to customize their profiles, access personalized content, and collaborate with others more effectively. It simplifies password management and security settings, improving account security. In essence, user management functionality empowers administrators with control and security while enhancing the user experience, making it an indispensable element of software in various domains, from business applications to social platforms.

Aether User Roles Table Manager User Contributor Operator
Actions Allowed

Create a Project


Upload a Survey

* if given access to the project




Invite new Users

Delete Users

Delete a Project

Delete a Survey


View all Projects in an account 

* if given access to the project

** Can only view the project name for upload purposes




Rename a Project

Rename a Survey

View Project information

Change Project information

Upload files


Launch images processing

Request advanced Analytics

Access to Annotation tools

Annotate images

Access to all generated Maps


Access to Surveys 

* if given access to the Project



Access to files Library

Download Files from the Files Library

Delete Raster / Vector files within a Survey

Export files in different format or with a different CRS or GSD



4. Managing users

As a company manager, use the 'Administration' page to add/remove users' access to the company and manage their roles.

4.1 Add users

Step 1 - Click on "INVITE USERS".  This allows you to invite new users to the alteia software or existing users to work in additional companies.

Step 2 - Enter the email address of the desired individuals to invite. 



To add multiple emails, enter them in sequence with a semicolon (;) between each email. A maximum of 100 users can be invited at a time.

Step 3 - Once you have entered all email addresses, hit "Enter" on your keyboard or click on "ADD" (1) and "NEXT" (2).

Step 4 - In the tab "Companies & Roles",  click on "ADD COMPANY" (1), select at least one company to give users access to (2), and click on "ADD" (3).

Step 5 -  A new section "Roles" appears, select the user role wanted, and for "user", "operator" and "contributor" define their site access. Once completed, click on "SEND INVITES". An invitation is sent by email to all new users for registration.

4.2 Remove users

In the "Users" tab of the "Administration" page, use the 3 dots menu to the desired user to delete, and confirm the pop-up to complete the action.

4.3 Edit User

In the "Users" tab of the "Administration" page, select the desired user and use the "EDIT" button. See Edit User - as Company Manager‍ for more details (modify user's information, company's roles, custom roles, project accesses, asset scope).

5. User profile edition

All user can edit their profile. Click on "Profile" in the top menu to expand the menu. There are 3 choices:

  • My Profile
  • Change Password
  • Log Out

5.1 My profile

Click "EDIT PROFILE" to display the "Edit User" page.

Update the fields and click on "SAVE CHANGES".

5.2 Change your password

There are password rules that must be respected until they are respected:

  • Password length should be between 9 and 15
  • Password should contain at least one letter
  • Password should contain at least one number
  • Password should contain at least one symbol

5.3 Logout

Disconnect the user and return to the Login‍ Page.

6. Edit User rights

This article describes the procedure for a company manager to edit the rights of users in the scope of managed companies.



If you delete your own Manager role:

  • Contact another Manager of this company to be invited with the wanted role
  • If possible contact the Domain Manager
  • Contact Support‍ 

In the "Administration" menu, click on the 3-dots menu of the user to edit and click on "Edit". Or on the user page use the "EDIT" button.

If necessary updates user information.

Click on "Companies & Roles", in this screen add or remove company to the user and give or remove custom roles associated with the companies.

On "ACCESSIBLE PROJECTS" select the project access for the user.

The tab "ACCESSIBLE ASSET SCOPES" is specific for Insight module users and gives more or less types of assets available.

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