Agriculture and Forestry Analytics Description

1. Description

This article will list and describe most of the analytics used in Agriculture and Forestry in a detailed table.

2. Table

Analytics / Tool Definition Delivery time Output


Linked documentation
Basic Maps Package Group of tools for visual analysis and mapping of fields with collaborative annotation and delineation capacities.
  • Orthophoto with reflectance maps (for multispectral sensor) and DSM and
  • Spectral index maps:
  • Bird View (RGB)
  • Crop Vigor (NDVI)
  • Green Biomass (MCARI2)
  • Greenness (VARI)
  • Chlorophyll content (NDRE)
  • Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI)

Varies from minutes to hours - depending on the size of the dataset



Generic and Custom Spectral Index Maps‍ 

Spectral Index Maps‍ 

Advanced Scouting Maps
  • Chlorophyll concentration (CCCI)
  • Colored Infrared (CIR)
  • Soil Adjusted Crop Vigor (MSAVI2)

Varies from minutes to hours - depending on the size of the dataset

Custom composition map

Composition map (orthomosaic) based on 3 predefined bands.

Varies from minutes to hours - depending on the size of the dataset

.tif Custom Composition Map‍ 
Custom Scouting map Custom Spectral Index map (or vegetation index) based on calculation from predefined bands. Varies from minutes to hours - depending on the size of the dataset .tif Generic and Custom Scouting Maps‍ 
Microplot designer Digitalize and georeference microplot boundaries Minutes



Microplot digitization‍ 
Microplot boundaries adjustment Adjust the position of an existing microplot vector processed within Aether (from another flight for example) or with external software. 5 business days



Microplot boundaries adjustment task‍ 
Row Vectorization

Detect, digitize, and measure rows within fields: for guidance of machine for example

1 business day



Row vectorization‍ 
Statistics for production field and for trial field Extract statistics metrics of scouting maps or another raster at the microplots or field level. Minutes




Statistics Extraction‍ 

Bare soil model estimation

Estimate terrain elevation (DTM) in the field with vegetation Varies from minutes to hours - depending on the size of the dataset .tif Plant Height‍ 
Plant Height Estimate plant height

Varies from minutes to hours - depending on the size of the dataset

Vegetation Height Map: 






Plant count and Emergence for trial field Determines plant count, gaps and emergence for row crops in field trials

1 business day




Plant Count & Emergence for Microplot‍ 
Plant count for production field Determines plant count, gaps for row crops in production fields

Nb: Emergence is calculated in another task.

1 business day




Plant Count for Field
Flowering Characterization Estimate % of flowering - canola and sunflower (only for yellow flowers) 1 business day

Flowering Mask: .tif





Flowering Characterization‍ 
Emergence Characterization for production field

Estimate % of green at early stage of crops to characterize seedling vigor.

Nb: for field trial it is calculated within the Plant Count analytic

1 business day

Emergence Mask: .tif





Emergence Characterization for Field‍ 
Stay Green A measure of a crop ability to stay green late in the season 1 business day

Stay green Mask: .tif





Stay Green‍ 
FCOVER A measure of the fraction of ground covered by green vegetation. Practically, it quantifies the spatial extent of the vegetation

1 business day

FCOVER Mask: .tif





Fraction of Vegetation Cover ‍  
Weed management Detects weeds on bare soil or row crops and generates a prescription map. 3 business days

Prescription map:



Weed mask: .tif

Weed Detection For Field‍ 

*Use the export function (Exporting Data‍)

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