Analysis - Introduction

1. Description

The Analysis Module aims to extract the dynamic properties associated with the assets.

It mainly consists of:

  • A dashboard that lists all existing analysis and their status
  • A feature to create an analysis request for an asset  
  • An analysis of approval or rejection capacity

2. Scope

For now, this module manages the vegetation encroachment analysis use case: 

  • Extraction of Vegetation Volume and Urgency Level for the physical asset (power line).
  • The input data comes from the Data Flow module and more specifically the data streams, Data Flow - Introduction‍.
  • The output data (dynamic properties) are visible in the Asset Viewer module.

3. Roles

Users need to have at least a dedicated role to access and use this module

See Account and User Roles Management‍ ‍for more information about how to manage the roles (1) of the users and their asset scope (2).

4. General Overview

To access the module, click on the icon on the left menu.

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