Data Acquisition - Resources: Managing Carriers

1. Description

The Resources menu enables the user to manage the different carriers within the company. A carrier can be a drone, ground robot, or helicopter...

2. Carrier Model

Click on "RESOURCES".

2.1 Manage carrier models



All actions concerning carrier management will be done in the "CARRIERS" tab.

Before adding a Carrier to your fleet, it is necessary to create the carrier models.

Step 1 - On the CARRIERS tab, click on "MANAGE MODELS".

Step 2 - In this page models already available are shown. 



Carrier creation requires specific Platform access. Please contact your Administrator if you need to create one.  

Step 3 - Click on the 3 dots menu of a carrier model to edit or delete it.

2.2 Create a carrier model

Step 1 - Click on "+ CREATE CARRIER MODEL".

Step 2 - Fill in the following information:

  • Mandatory fields: Company, Maker, Model, Carrier type.
  • Optional fields: weight, compatible Sensors (if already configured), Speed, Altitude, Flight time

Step 3 - Click on " SAVE".

3. Adding a carrier to your fleet

Once the carrier models are created add new carriers to the fleet.

3.1 Create a new carrier

Step 1 - From the "CARRIERS" tab, click on “+ NEW CARRIER”.

Step 2 - Fill in the following information:

  • The team that owns the carrier
  • The carrier model
  • The serial number
  • The status (Ready, Out of service, or In maintenance)
  • The firmware number 
  • A comment (optional)

Step 3 - Click on "SAVE".



In the "MODELS" tab, there is a filter to display by Models or Teams if needed. 

Learn next how to add a team and pilots here.

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