Data Acquisition - Resources: Managing Sensors

1. Description

The Resources menu enables users to manage the different sensors within a Company.

2. Sensor model

Click on "RESOURCES".

2.1 Creation of a sensor model

Before adding a Sensor to the fleet, it is necessary to create the sensor model. 



All actions concerning sensor management will be done in the "SENSORS" tab.

Step 1 - Click on "RESOURCES" on the "SENSORS" tab.

Step 2 - On this page, you can see the models already available.



Sensor creation requires specific Aether access. Please contact your administrator if you need to create one. 

Step 3 - Click on "+ CREATE SENSOR MODEL".

  • If a model with similar properties already exists, select a sensor model in the list "Create from existing". when selecting the current model all its properties are copied automatically. Finally, update the fields with information corresponding to the new sensor model.

  • If there is no existing model, add the properties of the new one by filling in the mandatory fields:
    • Attached Company
    • Sensor model information: Maker, Model, Type, Weight
    • Bands details if the multispectral sensor
    • Image size (px): width, height
    • Sensor Parameters: Pixel size, Focal length


The other lens parameters are not mandatory but can be added as well.

Step 4 - Click on "SAVE".

2.2 Adding a Sensor to the Fleet

Step 1 - Once the sensor models are created add new sensors to your fleet. Click on “+ NEW SENSOR” on the "SENSORS" tab.

Step 2 - Fill in the following information:

  • The team that owns the sensor
  • The sensor model
  • Its serial number
  • ITS firmware
  • A comment (optional)

Step 3 - Click on "SAVE".

Step 4 - Once created, the sensor will appear on the "SENSORS" tab.



In the "SENSORS" tab, there is a filter to display by Models or Teams if needed. 

Learn next how to manage your carriers, see Data Acquisition - Resources: Managing Carriers‍. 

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