Get Access to Aether Business Module Articles

Gain insight into the steps necessary to access and use the Aether Business Modules in the Knowledge Base.

1. Description 

Aether platform has several Business Modules. For more information about Business Modules, please contact your sales representative.

2. Prerequisites

The user must first be granted specific access. Please contact your sales representative to ensure that a HelpJuice account has been created in your name.

3. Business Module in the Knowledge Base

Access to this part of the Knowledge Base is private and requires authentication.



Users may lose their authentication after closing their web browser or putting their device to sleep mode. A new sign in to HelpJuice will then be necessary.

Step 1 - Click here.

Step 2 - Enter user login id (1), Google SSO (2), or other Custom Authentications (3).


First authentication

Click on "Forgot your password?" and fill in the form to complete the user login id.

Step 3 - Click on "Sign in".  The new screen will be Alteia Knowledge Base with all Business Module Articles available.

Step 4 - User is authentified and the Knowledge Base appears with all Business Modules articles visible.

Example of Knowledge Base view with specific access

     Example of Knowledge Base view without any specific access

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